Nitrosamine Impurities Affecting Drug-Drug Interaction Studies – Learn More

E-Lab Notebook

Bioanalytical electronic laboratory notebook

Quality, Real-Time Edit Checks During Bioanalytical Analysis

Labnotes is our bioanalytical electronic laboratory notebook system, which allows us to document observations, control procedures, exchange information with other software solutions, and easily find and collaborate on scientific results. The system facilitates our analyses through standard bioanalytical method procedures in a routine and comprehensive format, with prescribed and functional workflows.

The electronic notebook organizes and allows easy use of analysis tools, job requesting and management, inventory management, and chemistry functionality to ensure your data is right the first time. It also provides mechanisms to ensure that only reagents, solutions, equipment, and prepared standards within quality requirements are used (e.g. expiry, calibration, and preventative maintenance).

Ensured Compliance

Built-in quality checks ensure the right reagent or equipment is being utilized on your studies.

Automated Workflows

Data can be reviewed immediately: no need to pass around a paper notebook days later, where errors cannot be caught in real time.

Standardized Data Collection & Processes

All bioanalytical data collection is electronic, so concentration data is available real time on Celexus®.

Search Capabilities

There is no need to spend hours or days combing through pages and pages of paper data in order to find information. All reagents, solutions, standards, and quality controls are electronically barcoded, and data can be searched electronically in order to easily find content, metadata (data about the reagent), administrative information, and inventories.

Security, Data Integrity and Compliance

Labnotes enables us to meet regulatory requirements for GxP, 21 CFR Part 11, and the U.S. FDA’s Electronic Records and Signature Rule. In addition to providing regulatory safeguards, the e-lab notebook guarantees authenticity of electronic records and includes data checks and a full audit trail capability to ensure integrity of study data.



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ECG Core Lab

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EDC - Electronic Data Capture

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