Nitrosamine Impurities Affecting Drug-Drug Interaction Studies – Learn More

Fast, Faster, Fastest.

Rapid recruitment for healthy volunteers or specialty populations

Experienced Recruitment For Early Clinical Development

Celerion has an unbeatable record for study subject recruitment, both in healthy and patient populations. The goal is to find subjects and quickly get them screened and registered for your study. Our expert recruitment and call center teams are renowned in the industry for starting studies full and on-time. Each site (Belfast, Lincoln, and Phoenix) has a dedicated recruiting department. Our local community outreach coordinators assist the recruitment team with finding subjects for your study. Once found, our admissions and screening personnel work swiftly to get things started.

For studies requiring access to special populations, we enhance our proprietary database and internal efforts with a broad network of primary care physicians and hospitals to refer patients as appropriate. Celerion is ready to use our creative strategies to ensure on-time recruitment for your study.

Across our three clinical facilities, Celerion has customized and validated a database of over 130,000 healthy males and females with the ability to identify participants' demographic and medical profiles designed to match your study criteria. To augment our subject database and target a specific therapeutic area, Celerion applies a combination of mass media marketing and direct marketing outreach. These efforts also include accessing the large pool of subjects in our active recruiting database. Through our website and social media, we promote available studies and schedules, averaging over 15,000 hits a week.

Through a targeted mix of local media, including radio, print, television, health fairs, sponsorships and seminars, we will create a program to exceed your recruitment expectations.

On average, Celerion screens more than 2,300 subjects per month. This success rate is attributed to our experienced staff, our extensive recruiting efforts and our ability to understand both the study requirements and the local subject pool for each of our clinical facilities. Additionally, we use integrated recruiting teams across all sites, allowing for more synergistic recruiting efforts supporting multi-site studies.

Recruiting By the Numbers

We have the proof that we will exceed your recruitment expectations

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